Alternative Auxquimia Unipol-FF 3/3S - Fluorine-free Foam Concentrate (3X3) UNIPOL-FF 3/3S has been designed to be used with high, medium and low expansion foam equipment and generate foams with high fluidity and slow drainage. It is mainly used on hydrocarbon firesand could be even applied with forceful application; capacity up until now only reserved for AFFF agents. It can also be used on polar solvents, in this case with gentle application.
Alternative Solberg® Versagard™ AS-100 - Multi-purpose 3x3 Fluorine-free Foam Concentrate SOLBERG® VERSAGARD™ AS-100 multipurpose 3×3 fluorine-free foam concentrate is an alcohol-resistant, state-of-the-art pseudoplastic foam technology, with no intentionally added PFAS chemicals, designed for extinguishing and securing both Class B (hydrocarbon fuel and polar solvent fuel) and deep-seated Class A fires.
Alternative Dwight's Shield Series AR-Synthetic 3x3% Dwight’s Shield Series 3% X 3% alcohol-resistant synthetic foam concentrate. Designed specifically for use with many existing extinguishing equipment systems to extinguish Class B hydrocarbon and polar solvent fuel and deep-seated Class A fires; while being compatible with fresh, sea and brackish water. This biodegradable and non-persistent fluorine-free foam concentrate is a combination of hydrocarbon surfactants and additives that delivers excellent foaming, vapor sealing, extinguishment and burn back properties for attacking and securing both shallow and fuel in-depth fires.