The SIN (Substitute It Now!) List is a globally used database of chemicals likely to be banned or restricted in the near future, as we have selected them for fulfilling EU’s REACH criteria for “Substances of Very High Concern”.
The Textile Guide walks you through the process of chemicals management from a textile industry perspective. You will learn to identify the relevant chemicals and find ideas on how to phase them out.
SIN Producers is a database of companies that are producing or importing the most hazardous chemicals in Europe. This information can be used for making sustainable investments, identifying companies with a product portfolio likely to be regulated.
SINimilarity shows if a substance is structurally similar to a substance on the SIN List, which in turn indicates similar problematic properties. The aim is to help avoid substituting one chemical with another.
CleanGredients is the definitive database of market-ready chemical ingredients pre-approved to meet US EPA’s Safer Choice standard.
Green Screen for Safer Chemicals is a method for comparative chemical hazard assessment. It can be used by anybody interested in assessing the inherent hazards of chemicals and their potential effect on human health and the environment.
Other useful links and resources
OECD Substitution and Alternatives Assessment Toolbox (SAAT)
A compilation of resources relevant to chemical substitution and alternatives assessments.
Safer Choice Programme
US EPA (formerly Design for Environment).
California’s Safer Consumer Products (CSCP) Program
NGO Clean Production Action’s business network.
Sustainability Hotspot Scan for chemical products
Allows SMEs with little data to estimate the sustainability in their value chain.
Toxic Use Reduction Institute (TURI) – Massachusetts
Provides resources on environmental, health and safety data on chemicals, as well as information on alternatives to hazardous chemicals.