Evaluated Alternative Alpha® Free Direct Thermal POS Paper Alpha® Free, the first direct thermal material formulated with Vitamin C instead of phenols or urea-based compounds, offers your customers a natural choice in POS receipt paper.
Evaluated Alternative valPure® V70 - next generation coating technology with epoxy-like performance valPure V70 is a breakthrough non-BPA technology for light metal packaging for food and beverage manufacturers looking for safety without compromise. It’s been proven non-endocrine active by independent laboratories and approved by regulatory agencies. It is the first next generation solution which delivers industry standard epoxy-like performance.
Evaluated Alternative Alternative thermal paper - without developer Point-Of-Sales receipts for retailers with high requirements for sustainabilility standards Long-life retail receipts Printouts for medicinal analyses, drug testing, etc. Persistent receipts for taxis, gas stations or applications that need archiving Thermal print-outs in direct contact with food