Evaluated Alternative LGflex GL300 - Non-Phthalate plasticizer for several applications LGflex GL300 is a non-phthalic plasticizer with a GreenScreen Benchmark of 3 (CAS: 6422-86-2). It is suitable for a wide range of applications displayed below.
Evaluated Alternative LGflex GL500 - Non-Phthalate plasticizer for flooring and wallcovering LGflex GL500 is a non-phthalic plasticizer that can substitute current phthalic plasticizers, which are harmful for human reproduction. GL500 offers great efficiency comparing other plasticizers and is recommended in application like wallcovering and compounds. Can be applied in a broad variety of end-users, such as flooring, wallcovering, flooring and compounds specially it can be incorporated in plastisol.