NATURALE - Natural dyeing process and dyes


Besides a wide yarns collection, Tintoria di Quaregna are offering to dye the customers’ fibres and yarns with Tintoria di Quaregna dyeing NATURALE® . 


NATURALE® is an all natural dyeing process specifically devised by Tintoria di Quaregna, which uses more than 200 natural ingredients, such as flowers, leaves, berries and roots to get a wide range of colours and shades really attractive, plain colours and mélanges. Thanks to these natural dyes, Tintoria di Quaregna created many-coloured collection using wool, cashmere, silk, cotton and linen, and the final result was really fine: good fast colours and reproducible nuances. 

All dyes pertaining to our NATURALE® collection are very distinctive, very unique and derive from researches and studies Tintoria di Quaregna have done so far, carefully taking into great consideration the respect for the environment and the use of eco-friendly processes. Due to its natural and exclusive characteristics, Tintoria di Quaregna technology has been given a worldwide certification by WOOLMARK. Tintoria di Quaregna dye fibres, tops, flock or yarn in hanks.

Possible replacement to

Less safer options regarding dyeing.

Tintoria di Quaregna
Tintoria di Quaregna
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