CA Green - Green World classified adhesive


Green World CA adhesive is a transparent, odorless and fast curing adhesive without hazard symbols with minimal environment and health risks.


Green World CA adhesive is a transparent, odorless and fast curing adhesive without hazard symbols with minimal environment and health risks. Is an excellent replacement product to traditional CA adhesives and a simple method to reduce the health risks at work and reduce the environment damage. Can be used to many materials such as various metals, rubber, plastics, GRP and wood in temperature from -30˚C till +100˚C. Cures in 10-110 seconds depending on material and humidity. Very high tensile strength – the bonded joints are often stronger than the base material – the thinner layer the stronger joint. Is very simple and ergonomic to use with applications that is made without effort. Economical in use. Can normally be used to the ”last drop” without the adhesive curing in the tip or in the bottle in advance. Is excellent to use in combination with VEIDEC Q-Speed, CA Filler and Prepen.

Possible replacement to

Hazardous adhesives

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