Acticell LB3
ACTICELL LB3 laser booster is a dynamic bleaching technology that enhances the laser effect on denim fabrics. This facilitates a high whiteness degree, powerful effects even on stretch fabrics, excellent tear and tensile strength and increased laser production.
Conventionally lasered garments often look flat and additionally are bleached with hazardous chemicals like potassium permanganate, resulting in a highly negative impact for the environment. This can get in the way of your activities to reduce the environmental impact in the cutting edge fashion industry.
This product is stable and does not need to be mixed with a booster. The red colour makes it easily visible and workers do not report about throat problems during spraying. It can be diluted with water and therefore can be used for machine spray applications (e.g. E-Flow, CORE). Once applied on garments the effect is stable for at least 6 days.
Potassium Permanganate